The mesentery fans throughout the abdomen. It is attached to the abdominal wall and the intestines, to keep them in place. It also prevents the intestines from falling down or twisting inside the abdomen. They also help with fighting infection as they have lymph nodes as well.
the meaning of biology is the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution.
The right answer is kidney, bladder, ureter, urethra.
The urinary tract is the device that allows the evacuation of catabolism products from the human body in a liquid form, the urine, and thus ensures the purification of blood and the maintenance of homeostasis within the body. organization. Also, it maintains the blood balance, the volume and the chemical composition of the blood. To do this it eliminates, among other things, the surpluses of certain minerals, called electrolytes, and returns to the blood the substances that are useful for the proper functioning of the organism (reabsorption).
Every day, a human being produces 800 to 2,000 milliliters of urine. The urinary tract is included in the excretory system (as the large intestine and the lungs).
This apparatus is a succession of retro- and subperitoneal organs: the two kidneys, the two ureters, the bladder and the urethra.
Function and location The plasma membrane H+ - ATPase or proton pump creates the electrochemical gradients in the plasma membrane of plants, fungi, protists, and many prokaryotes. Here, proton gradients are used to drive secondary transport processes.