Popular Sovereignty.
The principle of popular sovereignty state that it is the consent of the people that creates and sustains the state and its government through the elected representatives.
The people are source of all political power. this principle is associated with Thomas Hobbs, Rousseau and John Locke, all three were social contract philosophers. Declaration of independence also reflects this principle because it declare that it is the prole who instituted the government for themselves and it derives power from their consent.
He tried to increase presidential power by trying to pass government programs to develop the nation’s economy. He also attempted to pack the supreme court in his favor and faield
Homeland security and to control public violence
Yes it had been for a while but people choose not to wear them even though there is a pandemic.
"knowledge is power". To understand this, we must define civics first.
Civics is the study of the rights and duties of citizenship. "Knowledge is power". This statement implies that he who holds knowledge is more powerful. A literate person has more influence over ordinary people than an illiterate person. We live in an age where learning how to read and write are essential, should we neglect to learn, the road ahead will instantly become 10 times more difficult than it ordinarily would be.