the government
It was very dry and flat. In 1862, the Homestead Act was passed. The government helped people to settle on the Great Plains. The government sold adults 160 acres of land for a small amount of money.
Imperialism is never justified.
In the question above we see that there is a country that has deep water ports and an airfield. These two factors are elements that generate wealth for that country and that belongs to the national territory. In this case, it is not justified that another country, out of greed, uses its influence and strength to dominate these elements through imperialism, exploiting foreign wealth for its own growth, while the country that owns that wealth is devalued.
The Tang Dynasty, which ruled China from 618 to 907 CE, conquered Vietnam, and made it the southernmost province of China.
Vietnam, up until that point, had been a problematic place for China, even it it was much smaller. The Tang Dynasty was able to conquer the area, and integrate into the central bureacuracy of the Empire, this is why they began to referred to Vietnam as the "pacified south".
Muhammad's agricultural reform made favorable and unfavorable results for the farmers. However, it did some positive effects in the end.
To get separated from the Ottoman Empire, he did some drastic changes. He forced farmers to work and took their farm lands. He profited from it and gave more pay to the farmers. After improving agriculture, he opened of industries where he can create military weapons. He supported more industries in his power and educated Egyptians.
Improving agriculture made opportunities to build and improve industries. To be more successful he invested in education and let his people be experts by gaining different skills learn. This helped him with his other more reforms.