a) sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis seeks to determine the effect of a variation of a particular item on its total value. That is, in the sensitivity analysis, several different variables are tested to understand the effect that each produces at the end of the process.
Darius was the third Persian ruler after Cyrus the Great. Darius was very instrumental to the building of the temple in Jerusalem, by the sixth year of this reign the second Temple had been completed after permission had been earlier given about 16 years ago by Cyrus but there wasn't action to match this permission Darius allowed the construction to proceed against all odds and not only did he do that, he also helped the construction efforts along by providing resources from his royal treasury.
That we shouldn't let one nation or government get to much power.
In his book, Life and Times, Frederick Douglass described his reaction to the Emancipation Proclamation. The first of January, 1863, was a memorable day in the progress of American liberty and civilization. It was the turning-point in the conflict between freedom and slavery.
frederick douglass dent Lincoln has embraced in this proclamation the law of Congress passed more than six months ago, prohibiting the employment of any part of the army and naval forces of the United States, to return fugitive slaves to their masters, commanded all officers of the army and navy to respect and obey its provisions.