Cry Shape HeartyAnswer:Cry Shape Hearty
Cry Shape HeartyCry Shape Hearty
Cry Shape HeartyExplanation:Cry Shape Hearty
Cry Shape HeartyCry Shape Hearty
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, non-irritant, odourless and tasteless toxic gas. It is produced by the incomplete combustion of carbonaceous fuels such as wood, petrol, coal, natural gas and kerosene. Its molecular weight is 28.01 g/mol, melting point −205.1 °C, boiling point (at 760 mmHg) −191.5 °C (−312.7 °F), density 1.250 kg/m3 at 0 °C and 1 atm and 1.145 kg/m3 at 25 °C and 1 atm, and relative density (air = 1) 0.967 (1,2). Its solubility in water at 1 atm is 3.54 ml/100 ml at 0 °C, 2.14 ml/100 ml at 25 °C and 1.83 ml/100 ml at 37 °C.
The molecular weight of carbon monoxide is similar to that of air (28.01 vs approximately 29). It mixes freely with air in any proportion and moves with air via bulk transport. It is combustible, may serve as a fuel source and can form explosive mixtures with air. It reacts vigorously with oxygen, acetylene, chlorine, fluorine and nitrous oxide. Carbon monoxide is not detectable by humans either by sight, taste or smell. It is only slightly soluble in water, blood serum and plasma; in the human body, it reacts with haemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin (COHb).
The relationship of carbon monoxide exposure and the COHb concentration in blood can be modelled using the differential Coburn-Forster-Kane equation (3), which provides a good approximation to the COHb level at a steady level of inhaled exogenous carbon monoxide.
Conversion factors
At 760 mmHg and 20 °C, 1ppm = 1.165 mg/m3 and 1 mg/m3 = 0.858 ppm; at 25 °C, 1 ppm = 1.145 mg/m3 and 1 mg/m3 = 0.873 ppm.
Answer: ok i understand the 2 x2
Alleles are the individual genes that give rise to certain characteristics in an organism.
When an allele is "fixed" to a population, this means that the characteristic will be constant & most likely will not change until the environment changes as well.
Like with arctic hare, the alleles that influence the color of their coats (white in the winter & brown in the spring/summer) will stay because any fur pattern other than the aforementioned characteristics with result in becoming someone else's food with the lack of camouflage.
Hope that helps!
Ocean waters has its own level of density which depends of the climate, temperature and most of all the location where it came from. The more the ocean water absorbs heat the more its density as a result it rises above from cold to hot. So the the water from the Antarctica usually is less dense and then become more dense when it goes to the equator which is more hot.