<span>consumer to share liability with a company.</span>
Answer: Orientation.
From the question, after employment, Keisha was given orientation by the new company she works for, where her fellow colleagues at work explained somethings she needed to know about her new place of work and what is required of her. Given an individual orientation, involves directing them and teaching them what to do and expect from something they are new to.
a reduced availability of these badly needed products.
Price control is when the government imposed a price regime that is aimed at protecting the consumer from over pricing by sellers. When price ceilings are imposed there is a maximum price the the seller cannot go above in pricing of products.
In this case if ocal governments imposed price controls that prevented sellers from raising their prices for badly needed products like plywood and generators. It will result in reduced availability of the products to these areas.
Sellers tend to reduce amount supplied, due to scarcity consumers will have to buy at black market prices that are higher.
Take 20 pieces $20 average price per piece 30 days
= $12,000 expected sales for the month
<span>"D. job-specific training" I believe...</span>