When boys go through puberty their voices change and they start to grow hair on different area of their body such as their chest, face and pubic area. Also they will start to get acne
corona ke din chale gaye dî•,•

Five organs are in the human body
A virus is a microscopic particle that can infect the cells of a biological organism. Viruses can only replicate themselves by infecting a host cell and therefore cannot reproduce on their own. It has been argued extensively whether viruses are living organisms.
Yes and no. Everyone's heart works the same way, is made of the same type of tissue and is located in the same part of the body. However, there are people with diseases who have hearts that are in worse condition and may look different. For example, people with coronary artery disease experience plaque build up in their coronary arteries, which causes a reduction of blood flow to the heart, and in order to treat this they may get a bypass surgery in which another blood vessel from somewhere else in the body, would be used to bypass the blocked blood vessel. In this case the anatomy of that person's heart would be slightly different.