The phase during which sister chromatids aggregate along the equator of the cell is called the metaphase.
The image shows the process of cell division through mitosis. The mother cell divides into two genetically identical daughter cells in mitosis. There are four main phases in the mitosis process. They are: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. In the metaphase, the highly condensed sister chromatids line up along the equator of the cell by binding to the microtubles that form the skeleton of the cell. These kinetochores line up the chromatids at the equator to initiate their separation.
* Channel proteins- these are proteins with a hydrophilic pore where specific ions are able to pass through the membrane. Each channel protein is specific to an ion. This is the only way ions can travel through the membrane. They are trans membrane proteins.
* Carrier proteins- these are proteins which allow larger or polar molecules through the membrane. They are trans membrane proteins.
Carrier proteins essentially “carry" signals that are not soluble in aqueous solution through the blood stream to their target cells. Carrier proteins for hydrophilic signals prevent degradation of the signal. Channel proteins are embedded in cell membranes. They often are receptors (though not always), and when activated, allow specific ions to pass through the membrane.
A channel protein is a special arrangement of amino acids which embeds in the cell membrane, providing a hydrophilic passageway for water and small, polar ions. Like all transport proteins, each channel protein has a size and shape which excludes all but the most specific molecules
The carrier protein facilitate diffusion of molecules across the cell membrane. The protein is imbedded in the cell membrane and covers the entire membrane. This is important because the carrier must transport the molecule in and out of the cell.
Well you see each of the seeds have developed a special technique that allows their individual seeds to travel further and lower the probability of landing close to the tree and not getting the sunlight it needs
For the berries birds and various animals eat them carrying them away so hopefully they can get more sunlight
Helicopter seeds do the same thing except the sides themselves float away from the tree to get a further distance.
Finally the acorn seeds of the oak tree use the same concept of the berries. Various squirrels do eat these kinds of nuts and bury them in the ground in hopes of finding them later. But due to squirrels not remembering where they buried their acorn seeds the acorns are well away from the tree and start growing.
So you see all of these tree seeds are specially developed to help it get away from the trees. Especially so that they can grow in a much better environment than the one provided to them initially.
The answer is Prokaryotes.
message is sent from nucleus to the ribosome