it was extremely Hott and arid,with high humidity.
although there are exceptions on their climate.
The Treaty of Paris, which ended World War 1, actually played a large part in setting the stage for World War 2. Humiliated in defeat, crushed by debilitating war reparation payments, and angered by the war guilt clause, Germany came out of the war a truly weak nation.
hi I am Manasi
please follow me dear friend
Because Johnson was thinking in terms of conventional warfare. He thought that because his army was larger, his air force was tougher and better trained, his navy was massively larger, the equipment provided to his troops infinitely better, there would be no contest.
He did not understand 2 things about Vietnam.
1. He forgot that the Vietnamese had been fighting the French (and beating them). The French in effect had changed the Vietnamese into battle hardened soldiers.
2. The Vietnamese fought a guerrilla style of warfare. The came the delivered hard jabs and disappeared into the night. Conventional war tools don't easily adapt to that kind of warfare.
B) The practice of digitizing books that is putting publishers of only printed matter out of business.