Algunos de los rasgos culturales compartidos entre los pueblos mesoamericanos incluían un complejo panteón de deidades, características arquitectónicas, un juego de pelota, el calendario de 260 días, el comercio, la comida (especialmente la dependencia del maíz, los frijoles y la calabaza), la vestimenta y los pertrechos (adicionalmente). artículos que lleva o usa una persona, como orejeras
distance from the sea.
ocean currents.
direction of prevailing winds.
shape of the land (known as 'relief' or 'topography')
distance from the equator.
the El Niño phenomenon.
Asia is the largest out of the two.
Sediments are defined as solid fragments of inorganic or organic material. The bulk of sediment is formed from the weathering of rock, wherein the rock is broken into smaller and smaller pieces by a variety of chemical and mechanical processes, including acidic rainfall, freeze/thaw cycles, and the actions of organisms.
So I believe the answer is right let me know