When comparing decimals, start in the tenths place. The decimal with the biggest value there is greater. If they are the same, move to the hundredths place and compare these values. If the values are still the same keep moving to the right until you find one that is greater or until you find that they are equal.
170 that is the answer hope it's right
1436.75504 or 1372/3π cm^3
Step-by-step explanation:
The volume of a sphere can be found using:
V = 4/3 πr^3
We know the radius is 7, so we can substitute 7 in for r
V = 4/3 π7^3
Evaluate the exponent
V = 4/3 π 343
If we want the answer in terms of pi, multiply the two other numbers, that are not pi: 4/3 and 343.
v= (4/3*343)π
If we want an exact answer, multiply 1372/3 and pi
So, the volume is 1436.75504 or 1372/3 π cm^3
Step-by-step explanation:
because 4 and 3 are grouped together you would add them first. this would change the outcome of the problem.
B. 3/4
Step-by-step explanation:
I just did it and got it right