His third law states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, if object A exerts a force on object B, then object B also exerts an equal and opposite force on object A.
a: increasing the positive charge of the positively charged object and increasing the negative charge of the negatively charged object
- apples falling from trees
- people's feet touching the ground
- sky divers moving toward the ground
- balls bending downward after being thrown
When a space ship is accelerating in space, there is a force known as Inertia that kicks in. Inertia will mirror the effects of gravity on the ship even if there is no gravitational field effect such that anything that would happen where there is gravity, would continue to happen.
This means that apples will fall from trees, people's feet will touch the ground, sky divers will be pulled downwards and balls will bend downwards when thrown as well. These are the same effects expected on earth where gravity pulls things towards the earth's core.
tan theta = -18 / 25 = -35.8 deg
This direction is south of east
Answer: Well the answer is KE = 5.625E-7 i just don't know the units for it...
Hope this helps....... Stay safe and have a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!! :D