Women moved into the workforce to replace men who went in the military.
Draft boards.
Factories worked long and hard, many died of injuries or heart attacks to make sure our servicemen got what they needed, from bullets to socks.
gasoline rationing depended on your job.
Limited amounts of meat, sugar, coffee.
women's stockings were out, silk was needed for parachutes.
Ran your tires until nothing left and patched the heck out of them.
Planted "Victory Gardens" for fresh foods.
Collection of unused aluminum pans to build aircraft.
And the worst- bad news from the War Dept.
D. The Internet makes both finding information and exchanging information much faster.
The internet can spontaneously reveal information to hundreds of millions of people within seconds, which makes information exchange and discovery much faster.
If you mean Prince Henry the navigator, he was the third son of King John I from Portugal and he was called infante Dom Henrique in Portuguese.
1- Jacob
2- Rachel
3- Abraham
4- Malachi
5- Isaac
6- Sarah
7- Mary and Joseph
8- Israel
I wrote this of my head but i believe all is true for i know my bible a little.
Hope it helped!