A. Part time
Since tuition is the same whether he goes part time or full time, in the long run he will end up paying tuition a greater number of times if he is a part time student.
Let the computer warm up to room temperature before turning it on.
The laptop has been shipped to the user's home when he were at work and found on the deck. Outside it is really cool and he don't remember how long it has been there. Then, the user open his laptop and want to know whether it is functioning properly. Instead, let the machine warm up while switching it on to room temperature.
When a computer is still in a cold climate, they have to let it heat up to room temperature apx. 6-24 hours before switching it on. Otherwise, its heat the elements generate could cause water moisture within the laptop. That water could then harm elements of the system.
Primary storage. Primary storage (also known as main memory, internal memory, or prime memory), often referred to simply as memory, is the only one directly accessible to the CPU.
Assembly language, a.k.a. machine language.
Completing the items in a series
Auto fill is a function found in software and applications that allows you to input a range of numbers or characters in a specific range and finish the entry you began typing with the program.
AutoFill effectively helps you to build tablets more efficiently, allowing you to fill cells with a set of data quickly, It allows you to create whole columns or rows of data that are centered on other cells' values. Autofill is used in all the rows to fill out a specific feature.