Listening is the active processes of trying to make meaning of a verbally communicated message. There are four stages of listening, which are; hearing, understanding, evaluating and responding. Responding are actions that shows that an individual regards the message that is being communicated, this could involve nodding, shrugging and even verbal acknowledgement such as exclamations.
Evan responded to his wife's conversation by shrugging.
Because he had a reputation to maintain
1. It caused economic hardship in the empire
2. Magellan sailed east around Africa to reach the Pacific Ocean.
3. Europe
4. astrolabe
D. An aquifer is an underground layer of permeable rock that holds water, allowing it to be used as a source of drinking water.
The Spartans were very good in hand to hand combat. The Athens had a very successful navy. The Athens made an invention of the ships so that, under multiple people at once would row and it would have to stay in that motion. There is more but I don't know what lesson you are on...