The earth turns on its axis every day; it orbits the sun, just like all the other planets in our Solar System. When viewed from space, it turns counter-clockwise.
Because it rotates around the earth at the exact same speed as it rotates around its own axis, so that the same side of the moon is constantly facing the surface of the earth.
Tilt of the earth on its axis is responsible for season formation. The amount of sunlight obtained by various regions on earth surface is regulated by tilt. The places of earth that are facing the Sun and get direct sunlight experiences summers while the others which are facing away from the Sun experience winter season.
La siguiente entrada tiene como objetivo realizar una breve explicación sobre las moléculas biológicas lipídos y carbohidratos, las cuales son muy diversas ya que están formadas por carbono, lo cual hace que puedan formar muchos tipos de enlaces. Esta capacidad permite que las moléculas orgánicas adopten muchas formas complejas, como son las cadenas, las ramificaciones y los anillos.
Las moléculas biológicas son grandes polímeros que sintetizas para poder enlazarse con otras subunidades mucho mas pequeñas conocidos como monómeros. Las cadenas de subunidades estan unidas por enlaces covalentes los cuales se forman por deshidratación, estas cadenas pueden romperse por hidrólisis. La moléculas biologicas más importantes son los carbohidratos, lípidos, proteínas y ácidos nucleicos.
These sorts of studies can help researchers determine the relative importance of nurture and nature in determining a trait. Nature here would refer to genetics passed down to an individual from its parents, whereas nurture refers to the environment the individual is exposed to.
A cell is analogous to an engineered watch because it consists of numerous interdependent sub units and also because coded information can not arise from random processes. A cell is the basic unit of living systems. Although it is relatively easy to visualize the components of cells, it is difficult to conceptualize how these components function together to sustain life within the cell.