
Atomic number : It is defined as the number of electrons or number of protons present in a neutral atom.
However, when we talk about the atomic number of the ion, it is not equal to the number of electrons as electron can be gained or loosed.
This is why, more appropriately, the number of the protons which are present in the nucleus of the atom is called the atomic number.
Thus, atomic number of phosphorus = 15
Mass number is the number of the entities present in the nucleus which is the equal to the sum of the number of protons and electrons.
Given, Mass number = 32
Thus, the symbol of the isotope is:-

The last question depends on the scientific method.
Scientific Method
1. Make an observation of what u are testing 2. Form a question about ur observations. 3. Make a hypothesis 4. Conduct your experiment 5. Record information and results.
The first question depends what you will need to use first for the experiment.
The word "science" was obtained from the Latin word "Scire" which means "to know". Hence science is a systematic investigation into the nature of the universe.
Scientific investigations begin with asking questions about the universe. It is this curiosity to know about occurrences in the universe as well as how to solve problems in the universe that leads to fascinating scientific investigations and discoveries.