A university has ten dormitories for students. All of the dormitories have students of similar ages and offer the same convenien
ces. The director of housing wants to gather data by using a questionnaire with a sample of 100 students who live in the dormitories. Which of the following is the most statistically reliable method to gather that data? A,Take the list of all students who live in all ten dormitories. Randomly select 10 students from each of the dormitories to complete the questionnaire. B.Send the questionnaire to every student who lives in a dormitory. Offer prizes to the first 10 students from each dormitory that completes the questionnaire.
C. Have volunteers walk around campus and randomly interview students. Give the questionnaires to the first 100 students who say they live in a dormitory.
D. Select one of the ten dormitories at random. Then randomly select 100 stu
dents from the list of all students who live in that dormitory to complete the questionnaire.