Domingo earns 715$ in the week that is his gross income
The expression is:
By using the middle term splitting method,
Hence, the factor is (x-(7+sqrt(33)/4)) (x+(7+sqrt(33)/4)).
Answer: 0; -2
Step-by-step explanation:
Data: y-intercept=x and slope=x
Only step, Point out the y-intercept and slope
Reason: Since there is no visible slope, the placeholder would be 0 therefore the slope would be 0, -2 is the only number left so that means the only number that can be y-intercept is -2.
That is why the slope is 0 and the y-intercept is -2
I hope this helps!
Assuming that :
- The number of the gallons is symbolized by g
- Time per minute is symbolized by t
the equation would be :
g = 10 + 7.5 t
Hope this helps