c. Liquidity is the ability to convert assets to cash.
The company's level of liquidity deals with the company's level of cash which is usually held to meet current obligations.
The liquidity ratios are ratios that indicate how well and quickly a company can convert current assets into cash for the settlement of current liabilities.
Examples of liquidity ratios include current ratio, acid test/quick ratio , cash ratio and working capital ratio.
They will either match the prices of another offer or go lower then the offer
Common evaluation criteria include: purpose and intended audience, authority and credibility, accuracy and reliability, currency and timeliness, and objectivity or bias.
Answer: 6 units of utility
The above scenario is termed diminishing marginal utility. It explains that as a consumer consumers a particular product, at first, the extra product consumed will give the consumer extra satisfaction but when the consumer continues to consumer more and more of the product, the satisfaction or utility derived from the product reduces.
If I get 10 units of utility from one cup of coffee, I'll derive satisfaction from it and may be eager and willing to have another cup which may lead to an increase of 16 utils but the third cup won't give enough satisfaction as the other cups I had previously taken. Hence the utility derived diminishes.
The correct answer is a. True.
Issuing new common stock helps a firm raise money. The capital is used to help the business grow, such as to acquire another company, pay debts or to have access to more cash for general corporate reasons.
Therefore, firms will raise all the equity they can from retained earnings before issuing new common stock, because capital from retained earnings is cheaper than capital raised from issuing new common stock.