Dutch spectacle makers Zaccharias Janssen and Hans Lipperhey are noted as the first men to develop the concept of the compound microscope
Active transport, which occurs at the expense of energy.
Un elemento químico es un tipo de materia constituida por átomos de la misma clase. En su forma más simple, posee un número determinado de protones en su núcleo haciéndolo pertenecer a una categoría única clasificada por su número atómico, aun cuando este pueda desplegar distintas masas atómicas.
D) it lacks a nuclear membrane and resides inside the nucleus
- <em><u>Nucleolus is a type of cell organelle that is located in the nucleus of an tom. </u></em>Nucleus is the control center of an atom, it controls all the cellular activities taking place in the cell.
- <em><u>Nucleolus is made up of ribosomal RNA and proteins. The main function of the nucleolus is to assemble or formation of ribosomes. </u></em>Ribosomes are cell organelles that are found in the cytoplasm either attached on the endoplasmic reticulum or freely floating in the cytoplasm, where the process of protein synthesis takes place.