Overproduction obviously benefits the survival of fish species greatly.
The vegetation in most environments is crucial as a food source for many animals in the area. Without it, many animals may starve, thus setting on a chain reaction of animal displacement.
The absorptive surface area of the small intestine is actually about 250 square meters (almost 2,700 square feet) – the size of a tennis court!
Octopus and squid have little suction cups on their tentacles. It helps with sticking onto food (so it doesn't get away) and also helps with sticking into things. If it wanted to camouflage into some rocks, it can use its tentacles to cling to to the rock.
Tentacles can also grab and carry things. Scientists have made tests where they would put a clam in a jar with the lid screwed on. The octopus would grab onto the jar and use its tentacles to twist the lid off.
Without tentacles, octopuses and squids would be pretty helpless and probably couldn't survive in the deep ocean.