Chief Justice Earl Warren argued in the Brown decision that separate could never be equal because public education—which is a right for every citizen and deserved equal protection in accordance with the Fourteenth Amendment—had separate educational facilities for whites, and for blacks. This implied that both races were treated separately; being separated in such a way could not make them equally protected as expected by the constitution.
Las notas musicales: Son 7 notas básicas: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si.
Rhoda Kellogg's stage of artistic drawing has proposed three stages.
Scribble stage: The scribble is the first stage of artistic drawing in children. This stage occurs in two to five-year children. At this stage, children don't know how to pick the crayons and use the crayons on paper. The drawing is a motor activity and children and children have uncontrolled manipulation. Children used many scribbles such as vertical, horizontal, and diagonal and curving lines. These are around twenty scribbles, seventeen scribbles is used at the primary level.
I don’t know because I don’t know what your teacher told you but maybe 3