Academic advising: In 2014, the Community College Survey of Student Engagement reported that 32% of the students surveyed rarely
or never use academic advising services. Suppose that in reality, 42% of community college students rarely or never use academic advising services at their college. In a simulation we select random samples from this population. For each sample we calculate the proportion who rarely or never use academic advising services.
If we randomly sample 200 students from this population repeatedly, the standard error is approximately 3.5%.
Is it unusual to see 32% who rarely or never use academic advising services in one of these samples?
A. Yes, this is unusual because 32% is 2.9 standard errors below 42%. It is very rare for a sample to be nearly three standard errors from the mean.
B.Yes, this is unusual because 32% is 10% lower than 42%.
C. No, this is unusual because the error is only 10%.
D.No, this is unusual because 32% is 2.9 standard errors below 42%.