In London, Shakespeare was making his mark as an actor and a writer.
Do you have the actual excerpt?
Hi Jacobpahomi
Fortunato is dressed in motley as he is lured into the catacombs is an example of irony in ''The Cask of Amontillado''.
Answer: B) or the second option.
I think your word list and definition options got a little mixed up in the wording of this question. So let's start by looking at the meanings of the word choices you have.
Allegory is a word used for stories, poems, or pictures that can have a hidden meaning. Characters and events may stand for political, religious, or (most often) moral ideas.
A soliloquy is talking to yourself. When using the word soliloquy in reference to plays, it is when a character is alone on stage delivers a monologue (a long speech).
In a drama, an aside are words spoken to an audience by an actor. What the actor says is short and directed at the audience. Their monologue is not heard by other characters in the play.
When there is an introduction to a written or performed work, we call this a prologue. They are often delivered to the audience by an actor at the beginning of a play or as a preface to a written work.
Catharsis is the release of emotions, especially through art forms (music, painting, drama).
To match the definitions you were given #1 is prologue, #2 is catharsis, #3 is soliloquy, #4 is aside and #5 is allegory.
"c' is correct . Concerning here means 'about'