I think the organelle whose function is correctly described is mitochondria.
The coorect answer is 175m
Answer and Explanation:
As I don't have access to live butterflies, the control group would be clay models that do not exhibit warning coloration, e.g. beige / white / brown. In contrast, the experimental group would be the clay models that exhibir a strong warning coloration such as color orange / red.
After preparing the clay 'prey', I would locate them in specific places outside where birds are able to detect them. Moreover, I would use a webcam to monitor the recurrence of birds in the area.
1st experiment: Test whether birds approach the prey that exhibits both warning coloration (experimental group) and dull coloration (control group). Then, record the minutes they spent wandering near the prey.
2nd experiment: Test wheter birds feed on the prey that exhibits both warning coloration (experimental group) and dull coloration (control group). Record time.
Carry out statistical analyses.
Present results and discuss.
A condition associated with smog that causes eye irritation, irritation of the respiratory tract, and chest pains.
Hope this helps!
-Payshence xoxo