Phylum Chordata Kingdom Animalia
I think it might be A or the first one
A/digestive system
Explanation:you drink beer
Carbohydrates are used by the body for energy and structural support in cell walls of plants and exoskeletons of insects and crustaceans. They are made of smaller subunits called monosaccharides. Monosaccharides have <u>carbon</u>, <u>hydrogen</u>, and <u>oxygen</u> in a 1:2:1 ratio.
Difinition of disaccharides: any of a class of sugars whose molecules contain two monosaccharide residues.
Make an example...
Short carbohydrate chains are called <u>oligosaccharides</u> and contain 3 to 10 sugar molecules. Long carbohydrate chains can contain hundreds or even thousands of monosaccharide units. molecule of <u>glucose</u> and one molecule of <u>fructose</u> joined together.
He first divided all living organisms in 2 groups
Animal or Plant
He then put these into subgroups
Animal subgroups: land, water, air
Plant subgroups, small medium or large
Not a very specific approach to taxonomy but it was used for well over 100 years