Variability was seen as imperfection, so natural selection could only eliminate the inferior and imperfect, not giving rise to new things, new species.
Answer: depolarization; hyperpolarization
At resting potential (absence of stimulus), the cell membrane of a neuron is said to be polarized with a net negative charge within due to more potassium (K+) ions present than sodium (Na+) ions.
However, an impressed stimuli reverses the ions content as K+ ions flows out and quickly replaced by Na+ ions, resulting in a decrease in membrane potential and a more positive cell membrane. Thus, depolarization occurs.
An increase in the membrane potential (so that it becomes more negative) is called hyperpolarization.
ATP and dATP
In the R1 subunit of ribonucleotide reductase, molecules that binds the site regulating overall ribonucleotide reductase activity include both ATP and dATP. In addition, binding of ATP can activate ribonucleotide reductase and the binding of dATP deactivates ribonucleotide reductase.
The red kernels are the dominant trait and will be more numerous on the ear of corn than the yellow. This happens because its dominance mearns that if it is a combination of either RR or Rr, it will still take over the r trait. The only time the yellow can be expressed entirely Is when the combination is rr.
The answer is B
As you can see They do walk 1.5 Kilometers and stop at 20 then they walk until 3 kilometers in 40 minutes because they end at 60.