Monsoon climate is generally great for rice farming, but monsoon floods can cause devastating landslides and floods.
Generation of an action potential in the neuron.
Stimulation of Ca2+ entry into the neuron
Release of acetylcholine into the synapse
Depolarization of the muscle fiber membrane
The following events takes place in the vertebrate neuromuscular junction
a) Nerve Action Potential - Action potential reaches the axon terminal
b) Entry of calcium ion - The calcium ion reaches the axon terminal and enter into the presynaptic terminus after which the Synaptic vesicles fuse with the membrane of axon terminal
c) Releasing of Arch Quanta - Acetylcholine is released into synaptic cleft which then binds to the receptor sites on motor end plate
d) The Na+/K+ channels opens and Motor end plate becomes depolarized.
Robinson explains how she uses layers in fossilized corals to understand what the environment was like overtime. By finding out what mainly makes up each layer and finding out roughly how old each layer is, she can begin to understand what the chemical composition and climate was like when the coral pieces were alive
The first step to DNA replication is to unzip the double matrix which also means that they will break the double matrix.
Not really, that would be more like a cell wall. Cytoplasm is like the broth in chicken noodle soup, it contains all the chicken and vegetables.