According to Gies, the motivation was simply the fact that she wanted to help and she would have felt regret, if she let innocent people die.
Till the end of her life, Gies, never considered herself a hero. She explained that it was human nature to help someone and clearly stated, that by calling her actions 'brave' or 'heroic' would put on her on a pedestal, and demotivate other people to act out kindly when needed.
Gies was Dutch and had worked with Jewish people before. She felt empathy and always thought her actions were natural, human and not at all special.
The foreign policy refer to best source which are from many countries e.g south African American
Sparta was a military based society. They believed that discipline kept everyone in line and allowed for a zero tolerance society. The emphasis placed on discipline and specific training was vital to Spartan military might. Unlike the soldiers of other Greek states, who had usually received only a taste of military training, the Spartans were raised with it. Every man knew his place and knew the importance of holding it. Young boys started training from the age of 7 years old. And yes halo spartans are based off the real ones. :)
I believe it's Seminoles, so b.