A. Uruk
At one point in time (around 2900 BC), Uruk was regarded as the Largest City in the world. This city was located near Euphrates River, which made it easy for the agricultural sector in the city to flourish.
The river also enable the people in the city to freely travel to distribute various types of goods to other territory. This made the city able to accumulate a lot of wealth. At the peak of its power, this city had around 80,000 population (which a lot for early societies in that era)
The Importance of Education in Developing Countries. ... Education can be the catalyst needed to pull families and communities out of the cycle of poverty. Knowledge gives children the power to dream of a better future and the confidence needed to pursue a full education, which in turn will help generations to come.
Education gives people the skills they need to help themselves out of poverty or, in other words, into prosperity. ... Hence it is the education which can leads a person from poverty into prosperity. As we know that the agriculture plays a very important role in the development of a country.
Education leads to economic prosperity in the global marketplace. One of the most important effects education has on society is giving the people who live in a society the skills they need to compete in the global marketplace, and the skills they need to produce technological goods that can be sold on the open market.
I think that a good word for this would be "enthnocentrism": the belief that one's culture, or one's enthnicity is superior to others, or more important than others (even to oneself: so my culture is more important for me than other cultures: this also would count).
The one all the way at the bottom- 1 the one above it- 2 the one below the first one-3
The one above that one- 5 and the one below 3 is 4. You know what- just use the link.