The DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound. This amounts to: 56 grams per day for the average sedentary man. 46 grams per day for the average sedentary woman
6) C
7) D
8) I’m not sure, it’s between c or d though
The patient should be given an explanation that torsion of the testes is an emergency situation. The torsion causing blood vessel flow stopped, therefore causing the testes to not getting any oxygen or food. Not getting oxygen is like holding your breath. If left as it is, the testes cells will start to die.
Faster treatment can prevent the cells from dying.
See below
Consent, in my understanding, is giving permission to do something or to get permission for something. Consent needs to be given when taking others photos, asking certain questions, asking questions, etc. Generally speaking, giving consent is a synonym for giving permission. Consent is extremely important because, for example, let's say you see someone famous on the street being followed by a bunch of people trying to take their picture. That celebrity might not have given those people consent to take their picture. Their are many different ways in which consent may or may not be given. Take the celebrity for example, they did not give consent to have their picture taken. In other words the celebrity might not feel comfortable with random people taking pictures. Reporters and interviewers rarely give consent to ask certain questions and might cross a line if they do ask those personal questions. A major problem today is assault. Some people think since they said yes they actually meant it, but normally these victims are minors, they can't completely understand the situation, or a lot of times people will use fear against victims. This also means jail time if charges are pressed. Another important example is if you give consent but change your mind. Many people might think that "You gave consent which means you can't change your mind". Well that is not true, consent can be given and taken away if you fell uncomfortable in a particular situation. If you are under the influence, unconscious, a minor, or sleeping you cannot give consent because you aren't fully capable of understanding the situation. On the other hand, consent is often given, for example, if you ask your parent if you can go to your friends house and they say yes, that is getting your parent's consent. Also when going to the doctors office, when you are a certain age they will ask if you would like to give your parent consent to see your medical records. If your friend asks you if you want to go to a movie and you say yes, you just gave consent to go see a movie. Saying yes to a situation you fully understand is giving consent, which is the same as giving permission. The difference between giving consent and not giving consent is a big deal. Be safe, and make good choices kids!
C. two months
There you go.