1 you run out of fuel 2 it takes a long time 3 it’s hard to get back 4 the conditions are constantly changing making it harder to predict what could happen. Look at Apollo 12 as a example
Sunlight help to provide energy to the plant to complete the process. Basically, the plant harvest the solar energy.
They have contributed same allele for straight hair.
There are two conditions homozygous and heterozygous. In homozygous conditions both the allele of a particular gene is same in an offspring which means the offspring got two same alleles from its parent for a particular gene and if an offspring is heterozygous for a gene that suggests that the parent has contributed two different alleles for that gene in the offspring.
So If Micah is homozygous for straight hair then it can be concluded that his parents have contributed two same alleles for straight hair genes.