feel more effective.
In general sense, small groups are defined as group of people mostly three or a few more people, but not in large numbers (above twenty) who are together to achieve a common goal. For example, a group of talented guys, that forms a musical group for the purpose of realizing their musical or artistical dreams.
Some of the characteristics of small groups includes:
1. Shared identity
2. Results oriented approach
3. Interdependece
4. Competent team members
Hence, in comparison with the large groups, people in small groups tend to identify themselves with the core structures and goals of the group, there by less likely to take more than their equal share of available resources, which in turn makes them to FEEL MORE EFFECTIVE in general towards the success of the group.
Thew sun is very hot it sends more than amillion beams of heat toward land and by the time it hits us "the land" the ground gets hot which travles to the ground under waters now places like the ocean that have waters deeper than a thousand miles will not get as hot if any where near as hot as the water closer to land because the sun sadly does not travle that deep into the ground
According to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, integrity is defined as to be honest and candid within the constraints of client confidentiality and never subordinate the level of service and public trust to personal gain. Meaning, members are to maintain and broaden the public confidence and perform their professional responsibilities with the highest sense of integrity.
there are exactly 56 signatures on the Declaration of Independence