An adaptation is a mutation or genetic change, that helps an organism, such as a plant or animal, surive in its environment. The mutation has become an adaptation. Structural and Behavioral Adaptations. An adaptation can be structural, meaning it is a physical part of the organism.
Which of the following plants would be found in a tropical rainforest?
It is orchid
A hydrogen bond is a common type of chemical bond in organisms. As the name suggests, this type of bond involves a hydrogen atom. The hydrogen is attracted to a strongly electronegative atom, such as oxygen, fluorine, or nitrogen of a polar covalent bond in the same or another molecule.
This gives water unique properties, such as a relatively high boiling point, high specific heat, cohesion, adhesion and density.
Se produce en la mitocondria. La respiración celular, como componente del metabolismo, es un proceso catabólico, en el cual la energía contenida en los sustratos usados como combustible es liberada de manera controlada.
1. Parasitism
2. Mutualism
3. Competition
4. Commensalism
The given are all different ecological relationships. These relationships how the members of the ecosystem interact with each other.
Parasitism is a relationship where one organism is harmed and the other one benefits. However, parasitism is specifically referring to a relationship where one lives inside the other organism, causing it harm by directly feeding off them or depriving it from getting nutrients.
Mutualism is a relationship were both organisms benefit from the relationship. In the example, the aphids provide protection for the ants while the ants provide food to the aphids (honey dew). Another example of a mutualistic relationship would be the tickbird and the rhino. The rhino benefits because the tickbird eats the ticks of the rhino, and in return, the tickbird is fed.
Competition is a relationship between organisms that compete for resources. In the case of your question the two grasses are competing against each other for the nutrients and water. Animals also share this type of relationship, especially when those that prey on the same animals for food.
Commensalism is a relationship between organisms where one benefits and the other does not benefit, but is NOT harmed. A good example would be the remora and sharks. Remoras are fish that swim with sharks. They swim beneath the sharks fins. The sharks provides them protection from other predators and remoras benefit because they get to eat scraps of the sharks food as well.