The correct answer to the following question:
while sub < SIZE AND foundIt = "N"
Firstly, we start the pseudocode after that set the variable sub to 0 and size to 1 of num type and also set a num type array VALID_ITEM[5] and its elements are 27,53,84,89,95.
Than set string type variable foundIt to "N", then we set a while loop and correct its condition is "< SIZE AND foundIt = "N" ".
Than starts if condition which is "item = VALID_ITEM[sub]", if the condition is true than foundIt = "Y", after that endif.
Than increment the variable sub, after that endwhile, after this, we start if condition which is "foundIt = "Y" " if the condition is true then output "Valid item number" or else "Invalid item number", and then we endif and after all stop the pseudocode.