A drop cap (dropped capital) is a large capital letter used as a decorative element at the beginning of a paragraph or section. The size of a drop cap is usually two or more lines.
a superscript is a character(s) half the height of a standard character and printed higher than the rest of the text.
In word processing, the word indent is used to describe the distance, or number of blank spaces used to separate a paragraph from the left or right margins.
Answer:A. Testimony
Explanation:when someone knows something about what happened in the case held in court or they had witnessed what happened; In order to actual testify on what they know they are called on the stand and they have to raise their hand as a sign to swear an oath before the can give their testimony in court.
VMs or virtual machines are virtually created environment for multiple operating system on a host operating system. The host operating system has an extension called Hyper-V. The hyper-V manager helps to manage the virtual machine's activities.
The VMs can hold applications in their respective containers, which requires a partition of the storage. So when more VMs are configured, more storage memory is required to store their individual data. The VMs in a computer system can share a network interface card.
Year = 1972
current year = 2021
while year <= current year:
print (year)
year = year + 4
This is the quote of T.S. Eilot