Shivering occurs when the core temperature of the body begins to decrease which would threaten normal body function. Shivering is a response by the body to bring back temperature back to homeostasis. Trembling is the continual involuntary contraction of muscles. Muscle activity releases heat that warms up the body. This is the reason why we sweat during physical activities as the body sheds excess heat generated by the muscles in order to maintain the homeostatic body temperatures of 37 degrees centigrade.
C. Cells in meiosis have unique genetic information
Meiosis is the cell division that forms four daughter cells from one parent cell. It includes two successive divisions called as meiosis I and meiosis II. Crossing over during prophase I of meiosis I imparts new gene combinations to the daughter cells of meiosis. Hence, daughter cells formed by the end of meiosis have some new gene combinations, that is, unique genetic information.
you see.... most sea turtles will return back to the place were they were born to make a nesting ground
0.058 % kcalories comes from carbohydrate.
1 g of carbohydrtes gives 4 calories, 1 g of protein gives 4 kcalories, 1 gm of fat gives 9 calories and 1 g of alcohol gives 7 calories of energy.
Thus in a meal that contains 110 g carbohydrates gives 110 x 4 = 440 calories, 25 g protein gives 25 x 4 = 100 calories, 20 g fat gives 20 x 9 = 180 calories and 5 g alcohol gives 5 x 7 = 35 calories.
Total calories in a meal 440+100+180+35 = 755.
Therefore % of carbogydrate will be 440x 100 divided by 755 = 58.27 %
In kcalories % would be 58.27/1000 = 0.5827 %