Bursa - A small sac that lubricates the area around a joint where friction is most likely to occur
ex. elbow, knee, or shoulder
Answer:option C= mRNA
MACROMOLECULES are large molecules, such as protein, commonly created by the polymerization of smaller sub-units called monomers.
The NUCLEAR PORE is a protein-lined channel in the nuclear envelope. The NUCLEAR PORE regulates the transportation of molecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. In eukaryotic cells, the nucleus is separated from the cytoplasm and surrounded by a nuclear envelope.
mRNA is synthesized by DNA during a process known as the TRANSCRIPTION. After the synthesis, the new molecule moves from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. It passes through the nuclear membrane through a NUCLEAR PORE. Then, it will later join with a ribosome, which is just coming together from its two sub-units, one large and one small.
This is because both strands of DNA have complementary bases. The nucleotide sequence of each automatically gives the needed information to produce its partner. This needed information is Genetic/DNA/Parent Cell. Each cell serves as it's own template in order to acquire this.
meiosis cell are parent cell
Due to there being more kelp, more crabs will survive and this will increase the crab population.