0.9285714 has 7 digits after the decimal sign. So it is equivalent to the fraction with a numerator 9285714 and a denominator 10000000
The decimal number 0.9285714 is equivalent to the fraction
4642857 / 5000000
Assuming 13 is the radius the answer is 81.64cm
6x= 8+4y
Step-by-step explanation:
the anwser you put is correct
Step-by-step explanation:
congragulations! glad i could help :)
Types of polygon
Polygons can be regular or irregular. If the angles are all equal and all the sides are equal length it is a regular polygon.
Regular and irregular polygons
Interior angles of polygons
To find the sum of interior angles in a polygon divide the polygon into triangles.
Irregular pentagons
The sum of interior angles in a triangle is 180°. To find the sum of interior angles of a polygon, multiply the number of triangles in the polygon by 180°.
Calculate the sum of interior angles in a pentagon.
A pentagon contains 3 triangles. The sum of the interior angles is:
180 * 3 = 540
The number of triangles in each polygon is two less than the number of sides.
The formula for calculating the sum of interior angles is:
(n - 2) * 180 (where n is the number of sides)