A fraction is a short way to write a division problem. When you see a fraction, it means "the top number divided by the bottom number".
When you actually DO the division, the answer is the decimal that's equal to the fraction.
27.19 ft.
Step-by-step explanation:
sin 65 = x/30
sin 65(30) = x
27.189 ≈27.19
Lets use a rectangle as the example because I dont know what kind of shape you're looking for.
Area of a rectangle = length * width
Length (l) = 62
Width (w) = x
Area = 744
744 = 62 * x
Divide both sides by 62
744/62 = 12
12 = x
That means the width would equal 12
12 * 62 = 744

We know that the Angle subtended by an arc on centre of the circle is double as that of Angle subtended by the same arc on the circumference (boundary) of the circle