Answer:The answer would be C.
Law of superposition, a major principle of stratigraphy stating that within a sequence of layers of sedimentary rock, the oldest layer is at the base and that the layers are progressively younger with ascending order in the sequence.
3rd law
First law of Newtons :
Newton's First Law states that, unless an external force acts on it, an object will remain in a straight line in rest or uniform motion.
The second law of Newtons :
The second law states that an object's acceleration depends on two variables-the net force that acts on the object and the object's mass.
The change in the linear momentum of the object is equal to the force.
Third law of Newtons :
This law states that every action has its reaction with the same magnitude but in the opposite direction.
When we push the wall , then the wall does not move because the wall is fixed but we skid opposite to the direction of applied force because wall offers an opposite force on our body.
Therefore the answer is "third law".
An orange peel in a trash will start to decompose.
- The carbon atoms will be released into the air as a result of decomposition.
- These carbon atoms will be converted into carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
- Plants will take in this carbon dioxide for making food by the process of photosynthesis.
- When animals will consume the pants, the carbon products will be accumulated int he body of the animals. Some of the carbon will be converted into carbon dioxide in the animals and will pass out of the animal's body through respiration.
The correct options are as follows:
Lipid is one of the classes of food that are very essential for humans' health. There are different types of lipids and they have a lot of vital roles which they play in the human system. The functions of lipids include the following: they form a structural part of the cell membranes, they provide cells with energy, they carry fat soluble vitamins to the body cells, they keep the body warm, they serve as shock absorber to some organs in the body, etc.
Lipids do not supply the body cells with nitrogen.
There are different types of carbohydrate, some are found in animals only, some are found in plants only while some are found in both plants and animals. Cellulose is a type of carbohydrate that is found only in plants. Paper is usually made from wood pulp, which is derived from plants, thus the type of carbohydrate found in paper is cellulose.
Protein is one of the classes of food, which are very essential for human health. We have basically twenty different types of proteins and these proteins are formed from amino acids.Some of the proteins are described as non essential because we do not need to consume them in our food, they are already present in adequate amount in our bodies. Some are describe as essential because we need to eat them in our food. Proteins are the ones that are responsible for building new tissues and repairing injured ones. They also serves as enzymes, which speed up the rate of biochemical reactions in our bodies.
Enzymes are biological catalysts which speed up the rate of biochemical reactions in our body. Each biochemical reaction has its own specific enzymes. Without enzymes the body will not be able to digest eaten food in record time and this will lead to cell death and the eventual death of the concerned organism.
DNA belongs to the class of nucleic acids, nucleic acids are made up of many nucleotide which are joined together. A nucleotide is made up of phosphate, nitrogenous bases and a five carbon sugar molecule. A strand of DNA is made up of nucleotides that are joined together by phosphodiester bonds. A DNA molecule is made up of two strands of nucleotides that are twisted to form a double helix, it is the hydrogen bonds that hold the two strands together.
Plastids refers to the small organelles that are found inside the plant cytoplasm which contains food molecules. Plants typically store starch molecules inside the plastids. This is because, the food molecules that are manufactured by plants through photosynthesis are normally store in plants in form of starch. Animals and humans use this starch as food in order to produce energy for body use.
As I mentioned earlier, there are some amino acids which are considered to be essential proteins, we must consume these proteins in our foods because our bodies can not synthesize them. The protein are nine in number and they are: valine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, threonine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine and histidine.
A complete protein is a protein that consist of all these nine proteins.