<span> the answer is Fetal alcohol syndrome</span>
Fungi lacks the ability to produce their own food because they do not have chloroplast which is needed to obtain energy from the sun and convert it into food. Also fungi lack ability to fix nitrogen which has to be incorporated into their food. They also can not fix carbon and utilize it to produce food. Because of these they have to depend on dead organic matters for food.
Autumnal equinox right ascension = 12 hours; declination = 0°; Sun rises at 90° azimuth and sets at 270° azimuth. December solstice right ascension = 18 hours; declination = -23.5° Sun rises at greater than 90° azimuth and sets at less than 270° azimuth.
Because each subject in an experiment has to have equal conditions to ensure the most accurate results. And water temperature is known to impact plant growth. An experiment using different water temperatures is a terribly inaccurate experiment.
d. It also includes , breathing, digestion, swallowing