they lived in single- room cabins made of logs are clay. And they owned the land on which they worked. And they made up more than 3 - quarters of the population I hope this helps
They lived in single- room cabins made of logs are clay.
They owned the land on which they worked.
They made up more than 3 - quarters of the population
The system of servitude established in Russia was created with the purpose of guaranteeing the economic value of the agrarian properties in the Russian countryside, and was intended in the first place to legally prevent the peasants from being able to move freely through the Russian territory or to emigrate.
The emancipation of the serfs in 1861 impelled the advance of a properly capitalist economy in Russia by eliminating the last remnants of feudalism, but it did not alleviate the social discontent because the cities were invaded by masses of peasants in search of occupation, increasing the urban proletariat ( that did not exceed 1% of the population). Likewise, the social stigma of belittling ex-serfs and their descendants was not overcome in Russia until many decades later.
Democrats scorched the Republican administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower for allowing the United States to fall so far behind the communists. Eisenhower responded by speeding up the U.S. space program, which resulted in the launching of the satellite Explorer I on January 31, 1958. The “space race” had begun.