Hi. I am not sure if the choices are the ones written right after your question. Just in case they are, let me go ahead and answer this one for you.
The Freedom Summer try to accomplish the registration of black voters. This was in Mississippi which previously had prevented from most blacks from voting. <span />
creation of a legislature with two houses; government support to develop industry; science courses stressed in schools
I dont know if this is correct but it seems reasonable
The correct answer is Stimulus control intervention.
Stimulus control is a concept of behavioral psychology that refers to the way an organism behaves when in the presence of a certain stimulus and how that behavior changes in its absence.
<u>A discriminative stimulus is a stimulus that modifies the organism's behavior in this particular manner. </u>
In this particular case, to reduce the temptation to buy and consume the snacks, Grayson starts shopping at a local farmer's market and subscribes to a healthy-eating blog. Grayson is aboiding the stimulus that causes him to elicit the behavior of eating sugary snacks.
In conclusion, Grayson's behavior demonstrates principles of a Stimulus control intervention.