<span>About 5 students
hope I can help you:)
You have to divide both sides by 5 because it states"5t" and you should get "t=20"
Step-by-step explanation:
u= <4,5> and v= <0,-1>
2v = 2*<0,-1> = <0,-2>
5u = 5* <4,5> = <20,25>
2v+5u = <0,-2> + <20,25>
= <20,23>
Pinpoint the ten's place.
look at the one's place. It is a digit ≥5, round up. If it is digit <5, round down.
all the digits to the right of the ten's place becomes 0.
for example, if you are given $216.23, the ten's place is a 1. Look at the number to the right of it, the one's place is a 6, bigger than 5, so you round up, the 1 becomes a 2. the result is $220.00
if you are given $214.23, the 1 stays a 1 because 4 is smaller than 5, the result is $210.00