<u>Concussion</u> is a type of mild traumatic brain injury which occurs when certain blunt impact is applied on the head. This impact may cause shaking of head and brain back and forth.
The symptoms of concussion are dizziness, slowed response, nausea, imbalance, headaches, etc.
Further Explanation:
Concussion can be defined as a type of head injury which is caused due to movement of brain and head back and forth if a blunt trauma is applied.
The symptoms of concussion widely varies from person to person depending upon the type , extent and severity of the injury. It may lead to loss of consciousness in some individuals while not in some others. Some of the general symptoms of concussion are as below,
1. Dizziness
2. Slowed response to stimulus,
3. Nausea
4. Body imbalance
5. Headaches
6. Irritability
7. Drainage from mouth, nose and ears
A concussion results in an altered mental state therefore need to be given medical attention as soon as possible. Concussion can range from mild to a serious level; mild concussion needs a little medical attention while the serious ones will require a immediate extensive medical care.
People often confuse contusion and concussion; there is a clear cut difference between them. Contusion is bruising while concussion is internal.
Learn more:
1. Learn more about risk factors that can lead to injury brainly.com/question/768278
2. Learn more about factors causing accidents brainly.com/question/4735058
3. Learn more about hallucinogen brainly.com/question/4541397
Answer Details:
Grade: College Biology
Subject: Biology
Chapter: Injuries and it types.
Concussion, contusion, injury, brain, brain injury, medical attention, medicines, tests, symptoms, dizziness, slowed response, nausea, imbalance, headaches, irritability.