Portfolio weight - Stock A = 46.473%
Portfolio weight - Stock B = 53.527%
The weightage of portfolio refers to the amount of investment in each stock in the portfolio expressed as a percentage of total investment in the portfolio. The weightage of portfolio can be calculated by as follows,
Portfolio weightage = Investment in Stock A / Total Investment in Portfolio +
Investment in Stock B / Total Investment in Portfolio + ... +
Investment in Stock N / Total Investment in Portfolio
Total investment in portfolio = 190 * 95 + 165 * 126 = 38840
Investment in Stock A = 190 * 95 = 18050
Investment in Stock B = 165 * 126 = 20790
Portfolio weight - Stock A = 18050 / 38840 = 46.473%
Portfolio weight - Stock B = 20790 / 38840 =53.527%
"Cash-to-cash Analysis and Management" by<em> Hutchinson, Farris and Anders</em> talks about the availability of the<em> financial data</em> and <em>computer technology</em> in assisting a business when it comes to determining its <u>cash-to-cash position </u><em><u>(C2C)</u></em><em>,</em> as well as the <em>benchmarks</em> needed for comparison.
Cash-to-cash analysis was difficult in the past, however, it is easier nowadays. The supply chain is even examined at a broader view than before. C2C efficiency is possible by utilizing the<em> readily available</em> financial date and computer technology. So, this makes the statement above as "false."
So, this explains the answer.
Answer: Environmental partnerships.
It is important to understand that for most and all business to thrive there have to be an enabling environment for that to happen. Environment play a key or major role to the growth of any business and as such most business pay keen attention to their environment and do every means to ensure it is vulnerable for them to operate well. The partnership between organizations and seeking a operational environment to do their business is known as environmental partnership.
The answer and procedures of the exercise are attached in the following archives.
You will find the procedures, formulas or necessary explanations in the archive attached below. If you have any question ask and I will aclare your doubts kindly.
Answer is a i.e. 0.
No net loss is allowed for personal/rental properties.