Answer: 1 high blood pressure
2 headaches 3 nosebleeds 4shortness of breath
1. Asexual Reproduction (If there is only one organism reproducing)
2. Selective Breeding
1. If there is only one parent organism that means the offspring it is a carbon copy of its parent.
2. Selective breeding is breeding to bring out more desirable traits out of the species, like how dog breeders breed for better sense of smell or hearing.
A rainforest ecosystem containing thousands of different species of plants, animals, and birds. The reason why is because it has the most diverse species of wildlife. There is alot of DIVERSITY in that ecosystem, therefore it contains the greatest biodiversity.
as humans population continues to grow, we're cutting down more trees and occupying more lands to suffice the need of citizens, therefore, decreasing the forest biodiversity. Our plastic bags, as well as wastes, are polluting the ocean and eradicating essential species that are required to sustain a balance ecosystem, therefore, decreasing the biodiversity of the ocean that are required to maintain a balance environment.
En la fotofosforilación acíclica, cuando los pigmentos (clorofila) y las moléculas de agua son alcanzados por fotones (partículas de luz), existe liberación de electrones.Se llama cíclica porque los electrones son re-utilizados por la clorofila. Es una forma alternativa de producción de ATP.