The "Jaws of Life" is a crucial tool to fire and rescue squads to save hundreds of lives every year. ... The “Jaws of Life” is used indeterminately for pretty much any type of heavy-duty tool that acts like a pair of scissors, cutter, spreader, or ram-device aimed at slicing and dicing through most automotive metals.
adaptation is what's happening, and the moths changed color to adapt to the new environment.
because of the smoke, the light colored moths were easily spotted and eaten. but they changed color over time to account for that, turning black to make them harder to spot and eat.
The phase of the cell cycle in which DNA is replicated, occurring between G1 phase and G2 phase.
un tipo de célula altamente especializada cuya principal característica es su incapacidad para reproducirse. Esto significa que el ser humano nace con una cantidad determinada de neuronas, las que, si bien no pueden duplicarse, han demostrado ser unidades muy plásticas y capaces de generar reacciones en situaciones bastante desfavorables.